
Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Where do babies come from?

Seriously....where do they come from? Most followers of the Lord would quickly answer that they come from God. That is absolutely true. So if it's true, why do most Christians use birth control? "Well, because God wants us to use wisdom." That's the answer I've heard over and over again. But if God is the giver of ALL life, why do we need to try and control the number of children we have? Does the Lord really need our help? Or is His wisdom really all we need to rely on?

The Bible shows over and over that He opens and closes the womb....that he is capable of making one fruitful or barren. To put it plainly....the womb belongs to God to use as he wishes. Maybe he will bless us with 20 children, maybe 1. The bottom line is that he is quite capable of giving or withholding conception. He doesn't need us to step in and use our so called "wisdom" in this area. The real blessing comes when we give our bodies to Him willingly, to be used for His glory.

Now I know it sounds ridiculous to most people in this present age to take the chance of having such a large family. But the more I read the scriptures and study some things, the more I see that large families are considered a blessing and something to be desired, not despised. Questions always arise from those who choose to use birth control...things such as "How will I provide for a large family?" or "How will I ever have the patience to handle so many children? The two I have now are more than I can deal with!". The simple answer to those questions is this - You can't but He is able.

The flesh is very selfish....having a large family to care for forces you to die to yourself and serve others. It is good for you! You may have to give up some of the things that most people have become accustomed to in their lives - extra cars, big houses (with empty rooms!), costly vacations, the latest fashions...or maybe cable TV. All of those are things the world chases after and those with a large family are often forced to give them up - it is the Lord pruning worldly desires out of your life. None of those things are needs, they are all things that the flesh wants.

One thing I know is this....the Lord is able to provide for the lives He sends to those who trust in Him. It may not be in the way you expected, but he will do it one way or another. You can't go wrong when choose to trust Him.

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