
Monday, February 22, 2010

Not my will.....

If you had peeked through my window this morning very early, you would have found me sitting at the laptop....crying. I wasn't crying for any one particular reason....sometimes life is just tough. Now that I've shed a few tears, I'm trying to stay focused on the Lord and His plan. So....

  • When the morning sickness gets worse throughout the day, may I say......
  • When I'm exhausted and the baby is wide awake, may I say......
  • When the veins in my legs are throbbing, may I say......
  • When homeschooling is hard, may I say......
  • When the kids need to be disciplined, may I say.....
  • When I'm pulled in 100 directions, may I say.....
  • When I'm weary in well doing, may I say.....
  • When I feel like giving in, may I say.....
Not my will, but yours Lord!!!!