
Tuesday, March 29, 2011

A busy season of life

As a mother of 8 precious blessings, I can certainly testify to this being a busy season of life.  My days are long and yes, even trying sometimes.  But my heart?  Well, my heart is full to overflowing.  It is hard to put into words how amazing it is to have a broad age range to tend to.  On one hand, I've watched in awe as my oldest "baby" boy has become a man...while on the other hand I'm watching the youngest baby boy learn to roll over, babble and try to sit up on his own.  I have some learning to read and some learning to multiply.  Each of them has such a distinct loves to draw, one takes wonderful pictures and one is the resident "geek squad"...there is no new piece of technology he doesn't understand.  My youngest girl is two and wants to run the house.  I have one young one who loves to cook and one who lives to color pictures for mommy and daddy.  And then there's the baby...he loves to smile, drool, and soak up all the attention from his siblings....and oh how they love him!

There is a never-ending list of tasks...math and phonics lessons, dishes, baths, cooking, laundry...  Am I busy?  Yes, of course.  But above all else I am exceedingly blessed.  I will forever count it a privilege to watch them grow and learn, and develop into the special people God has created each one of them to be.  Like all seasons, it will one day end.  So rather than grumble and complain about the hard work and constant training, I will continually give praise to the One who entrusted each precious soul into my care.