
Wednesday, January 18, 2012

In the trenches?

We all get busy and for moms of many, every day is busy.  Sometimes, life moves beyond the normal busy days and you find yourself in the trenches.  Have a new baby at home?...a virus turning your house upside down?...perhaps someone in the house has a chronic illness?  Whatever the trench you find yourself in, you know how it goes...  Your schedule has gone out the window, sleep is coveted but nowhere to be found, the laundry is piled up, homeschool lessons may be hit or miss, and the children are acting....well, less than perfect.  It's hard, the days can be long, and it's oh so easy to become discouraged!  However, you aren't in the battle alone.  The Lord is right there with you every step of the way - through every shed tear, every endless cleanup, every sleepless night.

When things have been tough for me lately, I've found it easy to slip into self-pity and despair but praise God, He has shown up and reminded of something so vital!  You may miss a math lesson, and history may seem to be well, history.....But no matter what the situation, you need not skip the one needful thing, that one good part!  You can still pray with and TALK TO your children as you go through your busy days, reminding them of their (and your) need of a savior, of God's goodness and unending grace and mercy.  You can point them to the love of Christ, teaching them to treat others with love.You can still look them in the eye and tell them that no matter what is happening, God is still good and Jesus is the answer to every situation.  Let them see you praise and thank Him despite your weariness...sing a song of praise while you are huddled in the trenches together. Don't let sickness or sleeplessness get in the way of pointing them to the Living Word at every opportunity!

I'm feeling so thankful for God's mercy in this busy season of life.  Will you purpose to walk out, and talk out, your faith with these precious souls God has entrusted to you?  I'm starting fresh today....