I think it's safe to say that most of us know that being a mother is hard work. However, being a mother is more than just hard, it is God's high calling for our lives. Caring for, teaching, nurturing, and serving little ones is kingdom work and it's important to our Lord. In a large family, it is easy to get caught up in the day to day busyness that having many children brings. This makes it easy to forget what a blessing our precious children are! They are each unique individuals, specially created by God and given to us to raise for His glory. The time and energy we invest into these precious gifts may go unnoticed by the world and be seen as insignificant, but our Lord is watching and taking into account every act of service and love. What the world thinks doesn't matter....it is the approval of the King that we should be seeking.
I'm just feeling so blessed to be a mother lately that I'm practically bubbling over with thankfulness to my Savior. The children He has placed in our care really belong to Him. This makes motherhood a job of utmost importance and truly a high calling! When we look into their faces and eyes, may we remember who we are really serving through serving them.

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